Ridge High School has moved to electronic registration and submission of forms for all athletic programs. Students that intend to participate in Spring 2025 athletics at Ridge High School are asked to complete the following by February 10, 2025:
Please note that starting July 1, 2024, there are new forms and a new process to gain clearance for athletic participation. Registration opens on Genesis on January 22, 2025. Log on to your account and open the FORMS tab for your child. Complete the 2024-25 Sports Registration Form for the upcoming sports season. If your child is interested in participating in the Unified Sports Program, please complete that additional form. No registrations will be accepted after the first game of the season (March 30, 2025).
Please read through this information carefully.
For Spring 2025 participation, the date of exam must be after the following date:
All Sports - after March 10, 2024
Here are the options for completing your submission:
Option A: If your child had an examination prior to July 1st, 2024, or has a form on file from an exam before July 1st, using the old version of the NJ State athletic physical form, you do not need to complete the new version. You will have to submit all of the pages of the old form for review, scanned and saved together as one document, as you have done in the past. (If we have it on file then you do not need to submit it again.)
Athletic Preparticipation Physical Form
Option B: If you have an appointment for an exam scheduled in the next few weeks, you should use the new forms. Anyone having an examination on or after July 1st, 2024 MUST use the new version of the form as described above.
Preparticipation History Form: Complete and bring to your Healthcare Provider
Physical Examination Form: Health Care Provider completed and keeps on file.
Athletes with Disabilities Form: HealthCare Provider completes if appropriate and keeps on file.
Medical Eligibility Form: Healthcare Provider completes and you submit to school.
Please only submit the Medical Eligibility Form to us when you register. The other pages of the form must remain on file with your healthcare provider. (If your child recently had an exam and the doctor is just completing forms for you, please use the new forms and only submit the Medical Eligibility Form)
Please note that if your child’s examination was done more than 90 days before the first day of the season, you must also submit a Health History Update Form (completed by a parent) in the designated section below.
All incoming Freshmen, Juniors or first time athletes, must complete cognitive testing, known as IMPACT Testing, in order to get medically cleared for athletic participation. (Marching Band and Color Guard members do NOT need to do IMPACT testing). This online examination must be done at home, on a computer. It takes 30-40 minutes to complete. Please see the information on the Ridge Athletics IMPACT Testing page for information on how to login and do the test.
Please be patient....it takes approximately 2-3 weeks to review and issue clearance on medical paperwork for each athlete. You can check your Genesis account for clearance updates.
Questions about registration: Contact Athletic Secretary Judee Schroeder at [email protected]
Questions about the athletic physical: Contact Nursing Coordinator Rita Zarabara at [email protected]
Questions about IMPACT testing: Contact an Athletic Trainer Aimee Mitchell at [email protected] OR Scott Hoagland at [email protected]
Questions about the Unified Sports Program: Tara Cantagallo at [email protected]